Graduation Sensation

Honor Your Favorite Seniors in the Class of 2025

Mission Statement: Graduation Sensation is a celebratory event for the St. Paul’s senior class in a safe, alcohol and drug free environment. This is a way for family and friends to honor members of the graduating class by making a monetary donation which provides gifts for the entire senior class, games, prizes and an exciting evening with their class
Since 2005, St. Paul’s Seniors have enjoyed one last party with their classmates — a night of gifts, prizes, games, fun, and food for seniors only which provides a drug and alcohol free venue for making memories on graduation night! This last graduation event is funded through donations by families and friends of St. Paul’s Episcopal School.

To honor members of the Class of 2025, please make a donation for all of the seniors who are special to you. This year we are offering two ways to give. You may scan the QR code below to give online, or download and complete this form and enclose a check made payable to St. Paul’s Episcopal School for at least $15 per honoree, $500 for all girls, $500 for all boys, or $1000 to honor the entire Class of 2025. All gifts are tax deductible. We would appreciate having your donations by April 25, 2025. Each senior will be notified of your generous donation in their honor.

Donation Form

Student List

List of 1 items.

  • Seniors

    Maya Abrahim
    Noah Abrams
    Avery Arledge
    Ellie Arnold
    Hayes Baker
    Easton Barnett
    Maddox Bethea
    Lauren Bixler
    Augie Bosio
    Annie Boteler
    Jacob Carney
    Sadie Carrington
    Ella Chandler
    Dean Chastain
    Cage Cockrell
    Cole Coleman
    Will Conwell
    Lee Vella Courtney
    Pryor Covan
    Oliver Cross
    Sean Davis
    Ashlyn Dearman
    Dereck Donde
    Dylan Douglas
    Luke Douglas
    Katie Dyess
    Caleb Eubanks
    Annabelle Farber
    Isabella Farmer
    Hudson Farnell
    Janie Ford
    Cal Franklin
    Jack Frazer
    Camryn Gable
    Emma Gage
    Ella Gilbert
    Daniel Gill
    Drew Ginsberg
    Laurel Gottlieb
    Grace Greer
    James Halley
    Thomas Harrison
    Abby Hartin
    Walter Hensley
    Joanna Hijaz
    Ginnylu Howard
    Bradley Irish
    Mitchell Jackson
    Kenny Johnson
    Paris Jones
    Frances Katz
    Max Kerr
    Caroline LaGrave
    Anna Ruth Lane
    Caroline Lanham
    Fancy Malone
    Percy Manders
    Kate Marbut
    Virgie Martin
    Chloe Mathers
    Parker May
    Tolly McCall
    Vivian McCall
    Brooks McDonald
    Edward McLeod
    Elliott Merrick
    Michael Morgan
    Jackson Nicks
    Taylor O’Dell
    Elliot Patrick
    Luke Payne
    Daniel Pratt
    Austin Quinlivan
    Kyndal Raines
    Annabelle Ramo
    Caroline Reid
    Savannah Rhodes
    Maddie Ridgdell
    Amelia Rivers
    Ben Robinson
    McNeill Robinson
    Wesley Robinson
    Matthew Royster
    Carson Salley
    Madison Sanders
    Mason Sanders
    Malek Shahrouj
    Audrey Kate Smith
    Gavin Smith
    Ryan Stapleton
    Mia Stevens
    Katherine Stockman
    Jack Teague
    Brooke Thuss
    Callie Waller
    Morgan Watkins
    Lexi Williams
    Mary Catherine Williford
    Ella Witt
    Estan Wrights


161 Dogwood Lane
Mobile, Alabama 36608
P. (251) 342-6700
F. (251) 342-1844