Miscellaneous Offerings
Driver’s Education
Must be 15 years of age and have a valid learner's permit before completing the driving portion. Upon satisfactory completion of the course students will receive a certificate of completion for drivers' education that may be used for insurance discounts. Students will also have the opportunity to earn their boater’s certification. In addition to the above, students may also be able to satisfy the driving portion of the driver's license test through drivers' education. They will drive with the instructor and receive a certificate through Alabama's third-party drivers' education course.
Dates: May 27 – June 2, 2023 (9:00 am – 3:00 pm)
(Tuesday - Friday the first week and Monday the next)
Cost: $300 for students enrolled at St. Paul’s/$325 for Non-St. Paul’s students
ACT Boot Camp
This course will refresh your knowledge in the content areas and familiarize you with the ACT test in the week prior to the June test date. You will practice types of questions typical on this test and basic strategies for optimizing your score and use of time. We will cover one section each day, using the blank tests in your practice book. The required text is the newest book and reflects the changes in the ACT effective Spring 2025.
REQUIRED TEXT: The Official ACT Prep Guide 2025-26
ISBN-13: 978-1394335886
Dates: June 9-12 (10:00-12:30) or July 7-10 (10:00-12:30)
Grade Level: Rising 11th and 12th grade
Teacher: Karen Duren
Class Location: A105
Cost: $200
Super Skills Squad
Super Skills Squad will practice and develop practical skills needed for everyday living! We will work on a variety of valuable life skills like cooking, budgeting, cleaning, hospitality, preparedness and so much more! If you are ready to move towards independence and responsibility join us!
Dates: June 17-19 (9:00-11:00)
Grade Level: Rising 1st-5th
Teachers: Hartley Adams & Julianna Robinson
Class Location: Lower Campus TBD
Cost: $160 (includes supply fee)
Dye-namic Designs
Dye-namic Designs will offer a fun and creative outlet fostering sensory engagement, artistic expression, and social interaction while providing a sense of accomplishment! We will experiment with colors and techniques to create one-of-a-kind tie dye clothes, art, accessories!
Dates: July 14-16 (9:00-11:00)
Grade Level: Rising 1st-5th
Teacher: Hartley Adams & Julianna Robinson
Class Location: Lower Campus TBD
Cost: $160 (includes supply fee)
Minecraft with Mrs. Guy
Get ready to explore the amazing world of Minecraft Education in this summer enrichment class. We'll build, create, and have a blast!
Dates: June 9-11 (1:00-3:00)
Grade Level: Rising 3rd-5th
Teacher: Cazra Guy
Class Location: B111
Cost: $150
Grade/Subject Specific Offerings
Bridging to Third
Designed for rising third graders, this camp helps ease the transition to a new campus by building confidence and familiarity with their new surroundings.
Campers will explore their new school, visit classrooms and the cafeteria, and learn all about daily life as a third grader. We’ll answer questions, ease worries, and even brush up on important second-grade skills to ensure a smooth transition.
By the end of camp, your child will feel prepared, excited, and ready to take on third grade with confidence!
Students will need a snack and a drink each day.
Dates (Choose one session): June 16 & 17 (9:00-12:00) or July 14 & 15 (9:00-12:00)
Grade Level: Rising 3rd
Teacher: Stacy Fasanello
Class Location: B112
Cost: $150
Third Grade Summer Reading
Calling all 3rd Grade Angels…Join your friends to read the 3rd grade summer reading book, Third Grade Angels. We will read it together and complete the required reading project while having engaging discussions and building strong comprehension skills—all while making reading fun!
By the end of camp, your child's assignment will be completed and ready to turn in on the first day of school.
**Students will need their own copy of the book as well as a snack and a drink each day.
Dates: June 25 & 26 (9:00-12:00)
Grade Level: Rising 3rd
Teachers: Stacy Fasanello & Amy Strickland
Class Location: Room B112
Cost: $150
Super Fun Summer Math Camp
Rising 4th graders will use exciting games and activities to review important math skills before school starts. We will practice multiplication facts and complete the summer math packet. Have fun and brush up on your math skills before 4th grade in Super Fun Summer Math Camp!
Dates: July 29-31 (1:00-3:00)
Grade Level: Rising 4th
Teacher: Mary Allison Potts
Class Location: Room B113
Cost: $155 (includes supply fee)
Fourth Grade Summer Reading Class - Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Calling all future 4th graders! Come join us for a fun and exciting reading camp! In this camp, we will read Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and complete the summer reading projects. We will review each chapter with fun games and reading relays, have yummy treats, and enjoy getting to know each other as we explore Peter's struggles with his pesky little brother Fudge.
Dates: June 23-26 (9:00-11:00) or July 14-17(9:00-11:00)
Grade Level: Rising 4th
Teachers: Kara Lockhart and Melissa Sigler
Class Location: Room B117
Cost: $205 (includes supply fee)
Fifth Grade Summer Reading Class: The Wonders of Auggie Pullman
Come join Mrs. Mackin for a fun-filled week as we read the required summer reading, Wonder. During the week we will read the novel, complete activities to enhance reading comprehension, and watch the movie. Fifth graders will also complete their summer reading project by the end of the week.
**Students will need their own copy of the book as well as a snack and a drink each day.
Dates: June 23 – 26 (1:00- 4:30) or July 7-10 (1:00-4:30) or July 28-31 (1:00-4:30)
Grade Level: Rising 5th
Teacher: Donna Mackin
Class Location: Room B102
Cost: $190
Fifth Grade Summer Math Camp
Math Enrichment is four-day summer math program gives students what they need to catch up, keep up, or get a jump on the math they’ll be facing in in 5th grade. During this program students will also complete their 5th grade Summer Math Packet while reviewing and playing games to reinforce concepts. Students will need to bring their Summer 5th Grade Math Packet, a pencil, and a snack each day.
Dates: July 14-17 (9:00-12:00)
Grade Level: Rising 5th
Teacher: Anne Sand
Class Location: Room B102
Cost: $150
Welcome to 5th Grade (For 5th grade and New Middle School Students)
Join Mrs. Ivey, the 5th-grade history teacher, for an exciting week dedicated to exploring the world of computer technology. In this course, students will receive a head start in mastering essential programs such as OneNote, Office 365, and Teams, formatting Word documents, and general computer personalization. Information Station will familiarize your child with the computer expectations in Middle school.
Students must bring their St. Paul’s issued laptop and a snack each day. Get ready for a week of interactive learning and discovery at the Information Station!
Dates: July 14-17 (1:00-3:30) or July 28-31 (9:00-11:30)
Grade Level: Rising 5th and new middle school students
Teacher: Jodi Ivey
Class Location: Room B105
Cost: $200
Get Blown Away with Sixth Grade Science Summer Reading and Building
Join Dr. Burt this summer to complete the Sixth Grade Science Summer Reading Assignment and dive into the engineering design process (EDP). We will complete the reading and summer assignment, as well as design and build on our own motorized windmill by exploring and utilizing the EDP. Please bring a water bottle and snack for each day of the camp.
Dates: June 2-5 (1:00-4:00) or June 16-19 (9:00-12:00)
Grade Level: Rising 6th
Teacher: Stacey Burt
Class Location: Room B204
Cost: $250
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe for Rising Sixth Graders
Step into a world of wonder and enchantment with The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Follow four siblings as they embark on a magical journey through the wardrobe and into the mystical land of Narnia. In this fun three-day camp, rising Sixth Graders will read this classic novel and complete their Summer Reading project.
Students should bring their own copies of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and a snack and drink each day.
*Please note: Participation in this camp does not guarantee a certain grade on the project.
Dates: June 3-5 (1:00-3:00) or July 15-17 (1:00-3:00)
Grade Level: Rising 6th
Teacher: Elizabeth Campbell
Class Location: Room B208
Cost: $150
Stepping up to Sixth: Summer Math
Prepare to sharpen your math skills, tackle your summer assignment, and have fun while preparing for 6th grade! Stepping Up to Sixth: Summer Math is an engaging math enrichment program designed to help rising 6th graders review key concepts, strengthen problem-solving skills, prepare for the first units of 6th grade, and build confidence for the year ahead.
Join us for a week of learning, challenges, and math adventures!
Dates: June 3-5 (9:00-12:00) or July 15-17 (9:00-12:00)
Grade Level: Rising 6th
Teacher: Shannon Webb
Class Location: Room B207
Cost: $225
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer for Rising Seventh Graders
Step into the nostalgic world of Mark Twain's classic novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Follow the mischievous and adventurous Tom Sawyer as he navigates the idyllic landscapes of nineteenth-century rural America. In this fun, three-day camp, rising Seventh Graders will read this classic book and complete their English Summer Reading requirements.
Students should bring their own copies of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and a snack and drink each day.
*Please note: Participation in this camp does not guarantee a certain grade on the comprehension questions or project.
Dates: June 3-5 (9:00-12:00) or July 15-17 (9:00-12:00)
Grade Level: Rising 7th
Teacher: Elizabeth Campbell
Class Location: Room B208
Cost: $185
Math Camp
Two part course for rising 8th through 12th graders organized as such:
I. Math Skills Brush-Up: We will start by practicing basic pre-algebra and algebra skills that are necessary for all math courses. Then, we will use differentiated instruction and technology to work on specific concepts that are unique to the math course that each student is taking in the upcoming school year. For those wanting to take the ACT soon, we will also look at the math portion of the ACT.
II. Test-taking and study skills for all subjects: Topics covered here include, but are not limited to: standardized test taking, multiple choice strategies, how to take a matching test, responding to various essay prompts, how to organize your notes and class materials, planning ahead for major tests and assignments, and allotting your study time in the most efficient manner.
Dates: July 28-31 (9:00-12:00)
Grade Level: Rising 8th-12th grade
Teacher: John Brigham
Class Location: Upper School Library
Cost: $300
AP European History Bootcamp
Want to get a jump on learning the skills required for Advanced Placement History? Come to AP Bootcamp where students will be introduced to the historical thinking skills, reasoning processes, and associated task requirements for AP History. Exercises in document analysis, essay writing, the DBQ (document based question), and college level textbook reading will be included. Recommended for students new to Advanced Placement European History or those seeking AP skills practice.
Dates: July 28-30 (9:00-11:00)
Grade Level: Rising 10th grade
Teacher: Marty Smisson
Class Location: M103
Cost: $150